[spoiler title="Problems Connecting? Need Help During the Class?" open="0" style="2"]
Issues with the Web Conference? Getting a 'Corrupt Plugin' message? Try another browser such as IE, Firefox, Chrome or Safari.
If problems persist, follow the below steps:
[list style="idea"]
- Run System Diagnosis to ensure that your device has all the necessary software.
- Download and Run the Webex Removal Tool.
- Download the Meeting Center Application for your browser.
- Restart the machine and try joining the meeting again.
[note color="#FFFF99"]
[list style="arrow"]
- Call Webex 24/7 Support at 866-229-3239 / 408 435 7088 for any Web Conference / Audio Issues. Non-US Callers.
- Call Requirements Inc. Support at 703-468-1921 for any other issues.
- Still having trouble? Call via a phone line. (Go directly to 'Ready to Join', Step 2. Follow the class with the [button link="http://requirementsinc.com/domain/download" color="#0099CC" size="0" style="2" dark="0" square="0" target="blank"]Course Package[/button] PPT/PDF.
[box title="Live Online Class Instructions" color="#2B6B9C"]
Before you Join, Download:
[button link="http://requirementsinc.com/domain/download" color="#0099CC" size="1" style="2" dark="0" square="0" target="blank"]Course Package[/button] so you can use the PPT/PDF file in case you have trouble with the Web Conference.
When to Join?
The Time is now:
You have before the session begins. Convert to Your Time Zone.
Once You've Joined, Keep in Mind:
- You can use the control panel on the top of the shared screen to make adjustments.
- [label style="important"]Important[/label]For best call quality, Please mute yourself once you join using the Mute button on the top of the screen.
Unmute when you need to speak or ask questions.- [label style="important"]Important[/label]For best call quality, Please use chat to ask questions. This helps avoid speaking over each other.
[box title="Ready to Join? Follow these 2 Steps" color="#2B6B9C"]
[dropcap style="1" size="STEP"]STEP[/dropcap]
[dropcap style="2" size="5"]1[/dropcap]
Click the button below. If prompted, use password: [highlight bg="#fc0" color="#000"]demo[/highlight]and meeting number:[highlight bg="#fc0" color="#000"]629 941 052[/highlight]
[button link="https://requirementsinc.webex.com/requirementsinc/j.php?ED=201991027&UID=1360614077&PW=NNmY3YTdiYTMx&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D" color="#0099CC" size="2" style="2" dark="0" square="0" target="blank"]Join Live Online Demo[/button]
[dropcap style="1" size="STEP"]STEP[/dropcap]
[dropcap style="2" size="5"]2[/dropcap]
Call US# [highlight bg="#fc0" color="#000"]1-408-600-3600[/highlight], Access code: [highlight bg="#fc0" color="#000"]629 941 052[/highlight] or Use your computer/smart phone mic and speakers (headset recommended for best call quality)
[spoiler title="Problems Connecting? Need Help During the Class?" open="0" style="2"]
Issues with the Web Conference? Getting a 'Corrupt Plugin' message? Try another browser such as IE, Firefox, Chrome or Safari.
If problems persist, follow the below steps:
[list style="idea"]
- Run System Diagnosis to ensure that your device has all the necessary software.
- Download and Run the Webex Removal Tool.
- Download the Meeting Center Application for your browser.
- Restart the machine and try joining the meeting again.
[note color="#FFFF99"]
[list style="arrow"]
- Call Webex 24/7 Support at 866-229-3239 / 408 435 7088 for any Web Conference / Audio Issues. Non-US Callers.
- Call Requirements Inc. Support at 703-468-1921 for any other issues.
- Still having trouble? Call via a phone line. (Go directly to 'Ready to Join', Step 2. Follow the class with the [button link="http://requirementsinc.com/domain/download" color="#0099CC" size="0" style="2" dark="0" square="0" target="blank"]Course Package[/button] PPT/PDF.
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