Detailed Course Content

The BA Profession

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  • Success Factors
  • Roles and Responsibilities


BA Tasks

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  • Elicit
  • Analyze
  • Document
  • Validate


BA Tools

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  • Requirement Management, Business Modeling, Change Management, Repository/Version Management



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  • Project and Team
  • SDLC - Introduction
  • RUP and Waterfall Methods - A Comparative Study
  • Key BA Responsibilities in RUP



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  • What is a Requirement?
  • Types of Requirements



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  • What is UML? (and isn't)
  • What is a model?
  • Why do we model?
  • Key UML Diagrams
  • UML models - An introduction and examples


Use Case

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  • What is a Use Case?
  • Textual Use Case - An introduction and examples


OOAD Background

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  • Programming Paradigms


Objects and Classes

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  • What is an Object
  • Object - Purpose, Applications
  • What is a Class?
  • Class - Purpose, Applications


Key OOAD Concepts

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  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism


Use Case Modeling Concepts

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  • What is a Use Case? What is the purpose?
  • Actors
  • Include and Extend Constructs
  • Directed and Undirected Associations
  • Generalization
  • Use Case models - Notation, Best Practices, Examples and Applications


Practical Modeling Session

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  • Airline Reservation System Case Study


Hands-On Tool

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  • StarUML


Activity Modeling Concepts

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  • What is an activity model? What is the purpose?
  • Initial and Final Nodes
  • Activity and Subactivity
  • Activity Transitions
  • Decisions and Guard Conditions
  • Branches and Merges
  • Fork and Join
  • Swimlanes
  • Alternate vs. Exception Flows
  • Activity models - Notation, Best Practices, Examples and Applications


Practical Modeling Session

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  • Banking System Case Study


Hands-On Tool

[list style="check"]

  • StarUML


Statechart Modeling Concepts

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    • What is a a statechart model? What is the purpose?
    • Initial and Final States
    • States, Substates and History States
    • State Transitions
    • Decisions and Guard Conditions
    • Concurrent Substates
    • Sequential Substates
    • Statechart models - Notation, Best Practices, Examples and Applications


Practical Modeling Session

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    • Online Credit Card System


Hands-On Tool

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    • StarUML


Class Modeling Concepts

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  • What is a a class model? What is the purpose?
  • Association Relationship
  • Aggregation Relationship
  • Generalization Relationship
  • Dependency Relationship
  • Multiplicity
  • Cardinality
  • Shared Aggregation
  • Composite Aggregation
  • Class models - Notation, Best Practices, Examples and Applications


Sequence Modeling Concepts

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  • What is a a sequence model? What is the purpose?
  • Objects
  • Lifelines
  • Actors
  • Focus of Control
  • Interaction
  • Messages
  • Guard conditions, "alt" construct
  • "opt" construct
  • "loop" construct
  • Sequence models - Notation, Best Practices, Examples and Applications


Component models
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  • Notation, Best Practices, Examples and Applications

Package models

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  • Notation, Best Practices, Examples and Applications

Deployment models

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  • Notation, Best Practices, Examples and Applications


Use Cases Principles

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  • Writing Text Use Cases
  • What is a Use Case?
  • Use Case scenarios
  • Use Case Types
  • Textual Use Case - Format



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  • Primary and Secondary Actors
  • Business Rules and Supplemental Specifications


Writing Effective Use Cases

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  • Use Cases - Best Practices, Examples and Applications
  • How to identify Actors?
  • How to identify Use Cases?


Entities, Attributes and Relationship

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  • Chen ERD
  • Crow's Foot ERD
  • Relationships - cardinality
  • Relationships - optional vs. mandatory
  • Relationships - recursive
  • How to interpret an ERD
  • ERDs and Databases


Introduction to SQL

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  • SQL Database Table
  • SQL Queries


SQL Data Manipulation

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  • SQL Data Definition
  • The SQL SELECT Statement
  • DISTINCT clause
  • WHERE clause
  • LIKE function
  • INSERT INTO statement
  • UPDATE statement
  • Primary key


Joining data from multiple tables

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  • INNER JOIN statement
  • LEFT JOIN statement
  • RIGHT JOIN statement
  • UNION statement


Table Manipulations

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  • CREATE TABLE statement


SQL Functions

Aggregation Functions

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  • GROUP BY statement
  • HAVING statement


Hands-On Tool

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  • Navicat SQLite


Testing Principles

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  • What is Testing?
  • Testing Approach


Testing Methods

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  • Testing Types
  • Unit / Integration Testing
  • Smoke / System Testing
  • Regression / Stress Testing
  • Performance / Automated testing
  • Whole Life Cycle Testing
  • Black Box Testing
  • White Box Testing


User Acceptance Testing

Test case

Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)

DOORS structure

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  • Projects, Modules and Folders
  • Objects and Attributes
  • Objects Hierarchy and Components
  • Views

Tracking changes

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  • Baseline History
  • Edit modes

Object Structure Terminology

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  • Creating and Manipulating Objects in Hierarchy

Editing a module

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  • Creating Links
  • Formatting Text
  • Spell Check, Undo
  • Managing objects view - Sort
  • Managing objects view - Filter
  • Go To Object
  • Saving the Current View

Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)

Version Control Principles

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  • Why control versions?Lock-Modify-Unlock SolutionCopy-Modify-Merge Solution
  • Views
  • Check-out and Check-in process
  • History of File


Microsoft VSS

Rational ClearCase

Hands-On Tool

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  • TortoiseSVN


Software Change Request

Change Management Process

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  • Logging Defects
  • Creating Change Requests for new features and enhancements


Managing status of the request

Rational ClearQuest

Hands-On Tool

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  • Atlassian JIRA


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  • Airline Reservation Business Case - Creating a UML Use Case model
  • Car Rental System - Evaluating an Activity Model
  • Login Use Case - Creating a Textual Use Case
  • Banking System - Enhancing an existing Activity Model
  • Airline Reservation Business Case - Creating a UML Statechart model
  • Online Credit Card System - Creating end-to-end business models
  • Insurance System - Creating end-to-end business models
